About The Event
Lions Club Ahmedabad Main supports 3-4 blood donation camps every year of LD Engg College. The students are motivated by Prof Chaitanya Sanghavi who is a honorary member of our club
Blood Donation Camp at LD Engg College
30 March 2012
Event Speakers
Here are some of our speakers

Dr. Jung-Yul Choi
International President

Gudrun Yngvadottir
LCIF Chairperson

Douglas X. Alexander
International First Vice President

Brian E. Sheehan
International Second Vice President

Dr. Patti Hill
International Third Vice President
Event Schedule
Here is our event schedule
Voluptatem nulla veniam soluta et corrupti consequatur neque eveniet officia. Eius necessitatibus voluptatem quis labore perspiciatis quia.
Fugit voluptas iusto maiores temporibus autem numquam magnam.

Keynote Brenden Legros
Facere provident incidunt quos voluptas.

Et voluptatem iusto dicta nobis. Hubert Hirthe
Maiores dignissimos neque qui cum accusantium ut sit sint inventore.

Explicabo et rerum quis et ut ea. Cole Emmerich
Veniam accusantium laborum nihil eos eaque accusantium aspernatur.

Qui non qui vel amet culpa sequi. Jack Christiansen
Nam ex distinctio voluptatem doloremque suscipit iusto.

Quos ratione neque expedita asperiores. Alejandrin Littel
Eligendi quo eveniet est nobis et ad temporibus odio quo.
Event Venue
Event venue location info and gallery
Blood Donation Camp at LD Engg College
Lions Club Ahmedabad Main supports 3-4 blood donation camps every year of LD Engg College. The students are motivated by Prof Chaitanya Sanghavi who is a honorary member of our club
Check our gallery from the recent events

Can my LCIF Facebook fundraiser donations apply towards my MJF/PMJF?
LCIF Facebook fundraiser donations are not automatically applied towards your MJF/PMJF or credited to the organizer of the Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) Facebook fundraiser, unless the donor contacts LCIF. For Facebook fundraisers you donate to, in support of LCIF, you will need to contact LCIF Donor Services at donorassistance@lionsclubs.org with a copy of your LCIF Facebook fundraiser donation receipt. If you are a supporter of someone else’s LCIF Facebook fundraiser and would like your donation to be applied towards your MJF/PMJF or applied to the organizer’s as credit, you will need to share with LCIF Donor Services at donorassistance@lionsclubs.org a copy of your Facebook donation receipt.
Can my LCIF text-to-donate donation apply towards my MJF/PMJF?
LCIF text-to-donate donations are currently available for Constitutional Area I. Although your generous contribution is not automatically applied toward MJF/PMJF credits, It can be by simply ensuring you include your Member number and club name. If the club name and/or member id is not included on the form, the text-to-donate donor must contact LCIF LCIF Donor Services at donorassistance@lionsclubs.org with a copy of your LCIF text-to-donate donation receipt.
What are types of recognition available?
There are several types of recognition available depending upon the type of donation given. These recognitions are mailed to the donor. Note that many countries may charge customs and VAT charges for the importation of plaques. These fees are the responsibility of the individual or club locally receiving the plaque.
Should contributions be accumulated and periodically sent to LCIF?
Funds should be forwarded without delay. Doing so ensures prompt crediting of the donor's record and issuance of LCIF recognition and awards. In addition, checks held for an extended period become dated, sometimes requiring a new check from the donor.
I am interested in making a charitable donation to LCIF. What are the possibilities?
Charitable donations can be made by an individual or in the name of another person. We offer many forms of recognition and awards. For information on the types of LCIF donation and recognition programs, visit the Ways to Give section of the website.
Checks or bank drafts should be made out to whom?
Make checks or bank drafts payable to "LCIF." Write the purpose of the donation, such as "Melvin Jones Fellowship/recipient's name," "club plaque," "36 contributing memberships," "toward Melvin Jones Fellowship," etc.).
Rerum numquam illum recusandae quia mollitia consequatur.
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Nihil officia ut sint molestiae tenetur.